Mythri Movie Makers, the production house behind big films like Rangasthalam (2018), Pushpa (2021) and Waltair Veerayya (2023), announces a smaller project titled 8 Vasanthalu, directed by Phanindra Narsetti who made the psychological thriller Manu (2018). The film was announced on the occasion of Valentine’s Day with a title poster featuring a water painting of a rose immersed in rain.
8 Vasantalu translating to '8 Springs,' is a coming-of-age romantic drama that chronicles the life of a young woman over eight years. The narrative unfolds chronologically, exploring the various ups and downs she experiences during this period. The poster comes with a tagline which gives the essence of the film, “365 days as numbers makes a year but as moments make a spring”.
The cast and crew of the film are yet to be announced.