Bharathiraja, who is busy with a handful of projects as an actor, will be seen next playing the lead role in Margazhi Thingal (2023). The film marks the directorial debut of Manoj Bharathiraja, the son of director Bharatiraja. Filmmaker Mani Ratnam launched the teaser of the rural drama on Wednesday. The film's supporting cast includes Shyam Selvan, Vinoth Kishan and Sakyuktha Viswanathan - Rakshana will be appearing in other pivotal roles.
The teaser offers a peek into a school romance that becomes complicated once the girl’s grandfather comes to know about the relationship. The short video foreshadows the grandfather character played by Bharatiraja as a antagonistic figure in their lives.
The film began its production towards the end of May this year and was shot around Theni and Madurai.
Margazhi Thingal is written by director Suseenthran, who is known for his work in films like Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu (2009) and Paayum Puli (2015). The debutant director Manoj Bharatiraja made his acting debut with the film Taj Mahal (1999) directed by his father.
The team had earlier shared the first look poster featuring Bharathiraja in the foreground with a village in his background and the young couple in frame, offering a glimpse to the romantic setting of this village based story. The music for the film is being composed by Illayaraja whereas cinematography is handled by A R Surya. Margazhi Thingal will be edited by Thiyagu. The film is expected to hit the theaters soon.