The blockbuster success of Manjummel Boys (2024) has been an unexpected turn of events for a film with no typical ‘stars’ in its cast. The film’s team has been busy meeting with some of the most popular stars in Tamil cinema like Dhanush, Vikram, Udayanidhi Stalin among others. The team has finally met with Kamal Hassan, the man behind Guna (1991), the film that has served as the source of many references and meta callbacks in Manjummel Boys.
Kamal Haasan recently caught a private screening of the film held by the team, with director Chidambaram and stars of the film like Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Khalid Rahman, Deepak Parambol and the rest of the ‘Manjummel Boys’ in attendance.
The film bears many references to Kamal Haasan’s iconic film, with a callback to the evergreen “Kanmani Anbodu’ song sung also by the actor, which was used in a clever, subversive point in the film’s finale. Manjummel Boys bankrolled by and starring Soubin Shahir among an ensemble cast tells the story of a group of friends, whose visit to the infamous Guna Caves turns into a fight for survival when the unexpected happens to one among them. The film has already been promoted as a tribute to Kamal Haasan and his career by the director and cast in recent press interactions.