It has been announced that Varun Tej will be collaborating with filmmaker Karuna Kumar for his 14th film. Produced by Mohan Cherukuri and Dr Vijender Reddy Teegala through Vyra Entertainments.
A press release states that the film will be Varun Tej's costliest film to date and that the Kanche actor will undergo a makeover for the role. The yet-to-be-titled film will be set in the 1960s. Karuna Kumar, is best known for his 2020 drama, Palasa 1978. He also directed Sridevi Soda Center, starring Sudhir Babu, in 2021.
The makers announced that the film will be officially launched on the 27th of this month and further details related to the project, including the cast and crew, are expected to be announced shortly.
In addition to this film, Varun Tej has Gandeevadhari Arjuna with Praveen Sattaru and an untitled film directed by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada in his lineup.