Launched by Sukumar, the glimpse video of KoKo opens with a quote by Elon Musk, “Artificial Intelligence is far more dangerous than nuclear weapons.” A woman releases two small components that are managed by AI, which then collect information entered into a tablet and also scan a mark that is present on another woman, who is dead. But the video promises, “When AI overpowers the human mind, the secrets of Indian scriptures will come to the rescue.”
Sharing the glimpse video on social media, the makers wrote on Twitter, “The future war is cyber! Presenting #KOKO - India's authentic sci-fi thriller 💥💥” While Ravi Wuyyuru is the writer, Jai Kumar is the director of KoKo. Produced by Sandeep Reddy Vasa, Raghuram Kotipalli has lensed the film and Prabhu Deva has handled the editing. The film is slated to hit the screens in Summer 2024 in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, Vietnamese and Taiwanese.