While it was announced earlier that the Nandamuri Balakrishna starrer Bhagavanth Kesari will be releasing in theatres this Dushera, the makers of the film announced the release date on Saturday. The Telugu action entertainer directed by Anil Ravipudi will hit the screens on October 19. The announcement was made along with a new poster featuring the lead actor holding firearms.
The film also stars Kajal Aggarwal, Sreeleela and Arjun Rampal in the main roles. With music by Thaman S, the film is produced by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi through Shine Screens, the production house behind Tuck Jagadish (2021) and the more recent Ugram. The film's technical team includes DoP C Ram Prasad and editor Tammi Raju.
Balakrishna was last seen in Veera Simha Reddy. In addition to Bhagavanth Kesari, he has an untitled film with Bobby Kolli coming up.