According to a Pinkvilla report, the makers of Bholaa will be launching the teaser of the film on January 24. A source close to the makers told the news portal, “The second teaser will be launched digitally and will screen on the big screen in select properties alongside the Republic Day 2023 release, Pathaan. While teaser one was a mere tease to Ajay Devgn’s character from the film, the second one will further build the character and introduce the audience to the film's big-scale action sequences.”
The source further added, “Other marketing assets like trailer and songs shall follow from here on, introducing fans to various facets of this sleek action thriller.”
Bholaa is the Hindi remake of the 2019 Tamil-language film, Kaithi, which is directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. Bholaa stars Ajay Devgn and Tabu in the lead and Deepak Dobriyal in a prominent role. Abhishek Bachchan will play a brief cameo in the forthcoming film. The film is Devgn’s fourth directorial venture after U Me Aur Hum (2008) and Runway 34 (2022).