How Aamir Khan Conquered The China Box Office

How Aamir Khan Conquered The China Box Office

Presenting FC Dissect - our brand new video essay series in which we take a closer look at the various aspects that make up cinema, both on screen and off. On the first episode, we look what the recent slew of successes at the Chinese box office, especially by Aamir Khan's films, mean for Indian cinema going forward

Did you know that in China this year, Secret Superstar – an Indian film about a teenage girl with dreams of being a singer, made on a modest budget of Rs. 15 crores went on to earn more than international juggernauts like Marvel's Black Panther and Disney's Star Wars: The Last JediOr that purely financially, there could exist a bigger market for Indian films in China than in India?

Presenting FC Dissect, Film Companion's new video essay series. On the first episode we look at the history of our films in China and what the recent slew of successes at the Chinese box office mean for Indian cinema going forward.

Written and narrated by: Wayne D'Mello
Edited and animated by: Hrishikesh Kogje