Rajshri Deshpande | FC Gold 2023 Winner
Rajshri Deshpande | FC Gold 2023 Winner

FC Gold 2023 Winner: Rajshri Deshpande | Trial by Fire

Rajshri Deshpande as the grieving Neelam is the furious conscience of Trial By Fire, refusing to be subdued or forgotten.

Rajshri Deshpande as the grieving Neelam is the furious conscience of Trial By Fire, refusing to be subdued or forgotten. She becomes the face of the tragedy of the Uphaar Fire, in which 59 people lost their lives.

Inconsolable and unshakeable in her determination to ensure her children's tragic deaths are not forgotten, Neelam's silences are as powerful as her outbursts — all because of the multitudes she conveys with one unblinking stare, a cutting one-liner.

This was a performance that seemed to reach out of the screen to pull the viewer into the world of Trial By Fire.

Rajshri Deshpande | FC Gold 2023 Winner
Becoming Neelam: Trial By Fire’s Rajshri Deshpande Talks About Her Breakout Role