Team FC
Family Star revolves around a middle-class man struggling to make ends meet who aims to achieve big in life. Directed by Parasuram of Geetha Govindam (2018) fame, the film stars Vijay Deverakonda, Mrunal Thakur, Divyansha Kaushik and Rohini Hattangadi.
Based on real events, the film depicts the horrendous struggles of the Sebaltian Tribes and how a woman-led Naxalite movement impacted their lives. Directed by G Ajayan, the film stars Sweth Menon, Gayathri Suresh, Salim Kumar, Joy Mathew and IM Vijayan.
The prequel to the original Omen (1976), this film is the sixth entry in the classic horror ‘Omen’ franchise. It focuses on a soon-to-be converted Nun who chances upon a conspiracy to give life to an evil figure.
This modern-day romance follows a gym instructor and an ambitious bodybuilder. The film traces the challenges they face in their union, as one of their backgrounds in crime comes back to follow them.
Two friends plan to steal a gold consignment from the police but when things get messed up, they are forced to fix their mistakes before the police find out. Directed by Raghavendra M. Naik, the film features Diganth Manchale, Sangeetha Sringeri, Sampath Mythria and Yash Shetty.
Two Lawyers take on each other in a high-profile sexual molestation case, which descends into a wild, media frenzy. Directed by Vineeth Jha, this courtroom drama stars Hiten Tejwani, Sneha Ullal, Manini Mishra and Moin Khan.