Team FC
Directed by Christopher Nolan, Batman has to face Joker, a skilled criminal with a strong desire to destroy Gotham City. Alongside Gordon and Harvey Dent, Batman fights to stop the Joker's plans before it becomes too late.
A computer hacker discovers the truth about reality and joins a rebellion against sentient machines, mastering the art of bullet-dodging and bending reality.
A man is kidnapped and imprisoned for 15 years without knowing why. When he is finally released, he sets out to find his captor and get revenge.
Directed by Vetrimaaran, starring Dhanush, A farmer and his family go into hiding after his son kills a wealthy landlord from a higher social class out of revenge.
A dedicated investigator is on the case of a murder carried out by a group of anonymous serial killers. As he delves deeper into the investigation, a complex web of evidence ultimately points him towards the notorious drug lord of Chennai.
A vengeful assassin, known as The Bride, embarks on a quest to eliminate her former colleagues after they betray her on her wedding day, leaving a trail of bloodshed in her wake.
Biker Kaneda encounters numerous individuals with anti-social tendencies as he attempts to assist his friend Tetsuo, who is embroiled in a clandestine government undertaking. The inclusion of Tetsuo's extraordinary abilities adds the concluding surprise.
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