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A coming-of-age thriller inspired by Dennis Rader, the BTK serial killer. Focuses on a teenager who suspects his seemingly perfect family may have a violent killer as the father.
Follows the life of Ted Bundy from the perspective of his girlfriend, Liz Kendall. Features an ensemble cast including Zac Efron, Lily Collins, and John Malkovich.
Portrays the crimes of Alain Lamare, a French police officer who killed young women between 1978 and 1979. Highlights how people can get away with crimes in plain sight due to a lack of suspicion.
Stars Lou Diamond Phillips as notorious serial killer Richard Ramirez. Explores the panic and hysteria caused by Ramirez's crimes in 1980s California.
Inspired by the backpacker murders committed by Ivan Milat in Australia from 1989 to 1993. Mick Taylor, the film's antagonist, is directly based on Ivan Milat, who murdered seven young tourists in the Belanglo State Forest.
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