

Team FC


Set in the backdrop of the ongoing communal tension in the country, instigated by rival political factions, MEAL is an eleven-minute dialogue-less story about one particular household and yet about every other.
The atmosphere in the house is clearly that of unease. A woman in the kitchen carrying a bruise underneath an eye stares into the distance until a pressure cooker whistle breaks her dead gaze. A man in another room restlessly stuffs arbitrary things into a suitcase, seemingly preparing to leave the house in a state of fury. A child in school uniform picks up broken remnants from a wall clock. Today happens to be the first day of the Board Exams and he is already late. Also present in the house is an ailing grandfather restricted to a wheelchair who bears witness to it all.
The house is in a state of disarray, reflecting the chaos and lovelessness of both inside and outside – where everyone is a victim and everyone a perpetrator in equal measure.
Amidst all this, the family sits down for one last meal together.

Full Cast and Crew List:

Production Company : Owlz Neck Studio, YouthinMotion Pictures

Director : Abhiroop Basu

Producer : Sushila Jain, Sireesha Kadiyala, Madhu Singhee

Cast : Adil Hussain, Ratnabali Bhattacharjee, Avishek Jain, Arun Mukhopadhyay

Editor : Abhiroop Basu

Screenplay : Abhiroop Basu

Dop : Deep Metkar

Focus Puller : Gladwin John

Gaffer : Siddharth Kathir

Sound Design : Aakash Ghoshal, Sujoy Das

Art Direction : Ranajit Ghorai

Costumes : Amrita Mitra

Associate Director : Kunal Mitra

Chief Ad : Sreecheta Das

Ad Team : Alekhya Sengupta, Shiva Khator, Aishwarya Chatterjee

Make Up : Bhaskar Sen, Amit Bhatia

Production Manager : Subhash Jha

Boom Operator : Kunal Goel
