Team FC
Shashi's Moving Speech In English Vinglish
The most powerful part of this scene is when her husband, Satish (Adil Hussain), stands up to give the speech on her behalf, only to be made to sit down by a confident, determined Shashi.
When Veera Confronts Her Abusive Uncle In Highway
The most applause-worthy moment comes in the end when Veera confronts her abusive uncle in front of her entire family and makes him leave.
When Sandhya Slaps Her Husband For Fat Shaming Her In Dum Laga Ke Haisha
It was amazing to see an overweight female character standing up for her pride and self-respect.
When Agent Shabana Kicks Butt In Her Scene-Stealing Moment in Baby
The standout scene of a film dominated by male spies and villains interestingly belongs to a female agent.
When Meera Avenges The Death of Her Husband In NH10
Violent movies rarely see women characters helm the action, which is where this thriller sets itself apart. Meera (Anushka Sharma) avenges her partners death by ramming her SUV over his killers.