Short Film Review: Cargo Director Arati Kadav’s ‘The Astronaut And His Parrot’ is a Breath of Fresh Oxygen

Rahul Desai

Magic Realism Rooted in its Story
As its title suggests, Cargo director Arati Kadav’s new short film is about an astronaut and…a parrot. The film-maker’s passion for science fiction and magic realism is rooted in its story.

A Moving Nod to Iconic Space Films
The narrative itself – where an astronaut is reduced to a parent pining for a child – is a moving nod to both Interstellar (2014) and First Man (2018). The mission (which we hear of in sputtering radio snippets) involves building a colony on Europa, the smallest of Jupiter’s four moons and the setting of the 2013 sci-fi indie, Europa Report.

Kadav consistently crafts the sort of life-affirming tales
Not for the first time, Kadav’s low-fi design infuses heart into the moment, while counting on our perception of this movie genre to join the (lens-flare) dots. The DIY vibe is just the right mix of playful and poignant; at its core, it’s about a man who loves his little girl to the moon and back.

The ‘Sigh’ in Sci-fi
Again, it made me feel like an emotionally intelligent adult and a wide-eyed child at once. It’s not an easy thing to do as a filmmaker – to amplify the ‘sigh’ in sci-fi without compromising on the depth of its tropes.

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