Team FC
Set in the late 1990s, the film follows a 17-year-old Vivek, who is sent to a prep school to prepare for the highly competitive IIT entrance examination. Presented by Sriram Raghavan, the film is directed and written by the famous lyricist, writer and stand-up comedian Varun Grover.
In a village where family, customs, and abuse intertwine, a respected mentor's evil nature is unleashed, entrapping the community in a blurred illusion of normalcy. Directed by Don Palathata, the film stars Vinay Forrt, Divya Prabha, Nilja K. Baby and Mathew Thomas.
A group of friends head to a nearby playground for their usual Sunday cricket game. Little do they know, this particular day has surprises in store. Directed by Suraj Tadi, this drama stars Tejaswini Maragoni and Harinath Raj Kuntamukkula.
In this romantic comedy, a series of unexpected events unfolds in Kochi, altering the lives of a man and woman. Directed by Nadirshah, the film stars Mubin M Rafi, Arjun Ashokan, Devika Sanjay, and Shine Tom Chacko.
A grieving couple move to a village seeking a fresh start, but their plans are derailed when they encounter paranormal events in their new home. Harish Raj has directed and acted in the film, which co-stars Ahira Shetty.
After the 2016 Kashmir unrest, local agent Zooni Haksar is chosen for a secret mission by Rajeshwari to end terrorism and the conflict economy by abrogating Article 370 without bloodshed. The political drama stars Yami Gautam and Priyamani.