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This family drama film directed by Madhu C. Narayanan is the story of four brothers. Set in a fishing village in Kochi, the film explores the strained relationship between the brothers and tells story of their lives in community.
This crime thriller directed by Martin Scorsese, is a remake of Infernal Affairs (2002) and also loosely based on the real-life Winter Hill Gang. The story is of an undercover agent and a spy who keep trying to counterattack each other while infiltrating the gang.
This thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan, is based on the 1995 novel with the same title, written by Christopher Priest. The story is of two friends and magicians who go against each other after a sudden tragedy.
This psychological thriller film, written and directed by Vijay Lalwani is an interesting mix of psychological thriller and a drama film. The film is about an underdog, Karthik who receives phone calls from an unknown person that tampers with his life.
This drama film directed by Orson Welles is of an iconic status. The story follows a journalist’s process to uncover a secret, the dying word said by a famous tycoon. The film was popularized for many new trends it set including the famous “Rosebud” plot twist.
This film is a black-comedy crime thriller film directed by Sriram Raghavan. The film was loosely inspired by L'Accordeur (2010), a French short film. The story is of a blind piano player who unintentionally gets involved in the murder of a retired actor.
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