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Hayao Miyazaki's animated masterpiece tells the poignant tale of a young aircraft designer in pre-World War II Japan, skillfully blending love and ambition against the backdrop of the Great Kanto Earthquake.
Based on Chetan Bhagat's novel, this Bollywood film directed by Abhishek Kapoor weaves a story of friendship, dreams, and societal challenges, set against real-life events including the 2001 Gujarat earthquake.
"Suzume" captures the emotional aftermath of a seismic event, intertwining the lives of diverse characters as they navigate love, loss, and survival in the wake of a powerful earthquake.
A Norwegian disaster film, "The Quake" plunges viewers into a gripping narrative as a geologist races against time to save his family from the impending threat of a catastrophic earthquake.
Dwayne Johnson stars in this action-packed thriller, portraying a rescue pilot navigating the chaos of a massive earthquake along the infamous San Andreas Fault, showcasing the struggle for survival.
Based on a true story, recounts a family's harrowing experience during the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, emphasizing the strength of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming disaster.
In this sci-fi horror film, an earthquake at the bottom of the ocean triggers a series of catastrophic events, forcing a group of researchers to navigate the treacherous depths while confronting unknown dangers.
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