Great Movies Ruined By An Awful Ending

Team FC

Conduct Unbecoming (1975)

The period drama set in British India proved to be a waste because the climactic reveal lacked a decisive punch, and did the film's overall nature little good.

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008)

The Holocaust drama about a friendship between a young Jewish boy interned at a concentration camp and the commandant's son breached the sanctity of the horrific gas chambers and almost attempted to elicit sympathy for Nazis, which is never a good idea.

Agent Vinod (2012)

Sriram Raghavan's spy actioner is a lot of fun, with zingers and stunts and whatnot, until it decides to venture close to weapons of mass destruction and become sillier than it intends to be, thus losing the audience.

World War Z (2013)

Marc Foster's film surprisingly lost all sense of energy in the third act, and reneged upon its promise of being a zombie apocalypse actioner by not building on its early successes.

Now You See Me (2013)

The heist thriller turns turtle at the end, and the big reveal is a damp squib that undermines every single element the film had going in its favour until that point.

The World's End (2013)

Edgar Wright's film works in much the same way his earlier work does, for the most part. Then arrives the climax, and it has none of the humour nor the surprise of much of the film, thus ruining a perfectly good production.

Laurie Sparham

Detective Byomkesh Bakshy! (2015)

After having designed a near-perfect setup and plot, Dibakar Banerjee threw in an unconvincing twist that did not care to explain itself well enough, thus robbing the film of the punch it hoped to land at the end.

Thank you for reading!

NEXT: 7 Worst Movies by Great Directors