Extra Ordinary Man Review: A Wonderful Idea Doesn't 'Meta'morphose Into An Equally Brilliant Film

Ram Srikar

Extra Ordinary Man is a Pretty Tricky Subject To Deal With

And the treatment only adds to the complications. There’s a fun spin to the ideas we have seen many times before. By no means, is a realistic film. It is, in fact, highly self-aware and there's no place for logic here.

In The Second Half of The Film

The protagonist, Abhinay (Nithiin) is trying to follow a film’s script and enact it in the real world, with a real villain named Nero (Sudev Nair) and actual consequences. It’s a brilliant idea that produces some hilarious moments that double up as an ode to commercial cinema.

Why Should We Take a Film Seriously?

However, the way the drama unfolds is not entirely convincing and regardless of how much leeway I tried to give the film, it just kept pushing the limits of silliness to a point where I stopped taking the film seriously.

When Even The Film Doesn’t Take It Seriously?

It’s not like the film ever tried to be serious, but after a point, everything—from the characters to stakes and the conflict—feels silly and it’s partly intentional.

A Fun Concept

The ‘extra’ in the film’s title alludes to Abhinay’s profession. With aspirations to make it big as an actor someday, he spends his days as a faceless, voiceless extra in films, and getting slandered by his father Somashekar (an over-the-top but funny Rao Ramesh).

Should've Excluded The Entire Romantic Track

It wouldn’t impact the overall story one bit and in fact, we would have been spared of a stretch with references to Telugu film stars, and two songs in the second half that do nothing but impede the flow of the story just when the drama gets interesting.