Dhootha Review: A Sporadically Engaging Mystery-horror Series That Squanders its Potential

Sagar Tetali

In The Latest Mystery-Horror Telugu Web-Series

Naga Chaitanya plays Sagar Varma, an acclaimed journalist on his way to becoming chief editor of a new newspaper called Samachar in Vizag, when he comes across mysterious newspaper clippings that foretell the deaths of his acquaintances and his family.

The Problem With The Show is That

It doesn’t know whether it’s going for David Fincher or Rob Zombie, and it is too timid and scattered to alchemize the two and grow a voice of its own. 

Dhootha Has a Lot That Should Make a Telugu Film Critic Root For It

It features a morally grey protagonist, an exploration of the ethical conundrums of journalism, a female detective who frequently upends the men in the show with her clever deductions, - all rarities in Telugu cinema.

Parvathy Thiruvothu is Excellent as Kranthi Shenoy

The determined lead investigator, and she’s given a few great scenes of Sherlockian deduction—but the show’s convoluted writing prevents her from impacting the events of the plot, and this is a symptom of a deeper problem.

Towards The End of The Show

The violence begins to seem excessive, particularly against women—a pregnant woman is assaulted twice by the same man, once in a fake-out dream sequence, and later, for real.

For Future Shows

I hope that shows to come will build on what Dhootha does right—its structure and its attempts at genre storytelling. As for the show at hand, it frustrates not with incompetence, but with mediocrity.