Sharanya Kumar & Deepanjana Pal
Kim Min-gue stars in "The Heavenly Idol," a comedic tale where an ancient priest inhabits a struggling K-pop idol's body. The hilarity ensues as they navigate divine rituals and the idol's quest for a prestigious award.
In "My Lovely Liar," Kim So-hyun's character, gifted with the ability to detect lies, encounters musician Hwang Min-hyun, accused of murder. Despite later twists, the initial premise, directed by Nam Sung-woo, offers engaging intrigue.
"Behind Your Touch" follows veterinarian Bong Ye-bun, gaining the ability to see the past by touching rear ends after a celestial event. The show blends supernatural elements with Ye-bun's life, adding a unique twist to the storyline.
A modern celebrity possessed by an ancient nobleman's spirit falls in love with a firefighter, reincarnated from the woman who killed the nobleman. "Moon in the Day" explores a captivating blend of past and present, combining romance and reincarnation.
In "My Demon," Song Kang's supernatural powers, originating from a tiny tattoo, transfer to Kim Yoo-jung. The duo embarks on a fake marriage, offering a unique twist to the supernatural romance genre.
"My Man is Cupid" whimsically unfolds the love life of a cursed veterinarian, played by Nana, and her encounters with a human love fairy, Jang Dong-yoon, in a charming cupid duo with bows, love arrows, and hanbok attire.