Aakhri Sach Review (Episode 1-3): Tamannah Bhatia’s Cop Act is Dull

Deepanjana Pal

Halfway Into Aakhri Sach

The show has established a pattern: Every episode must have one entirely ridiculous scene, possibly to stir us out of the ennui of seeing Tamannah Bhatia furrow her brow and speak in gruff tones to denote she’s a serious lady cop

From Fiction to Fact

Despite having one of the most riveting, real-life mysteries we’ve known in recent times as its source material, Aakhri Sach falls back upon tired tropes and strategies to add drama to its premise. Ironically, they only serve to weaken the story. 

Based On The Case of The Burari Deaths

Aakhri Sach is about Delhi Police’s investigation into the deaths of 11 members of a family, who are all found dead in their home. The reality of this case is so bizarre and heartbreaking that fictional elements wilt in comparison.

A Listless Cast

Tough and no-nonsense, Anya is a cliché and Bhatia’s performance does little to make us curious about this police officer. Banerjee as the troubled second son feels equally flat in these early chapters.

To Aakhri Sach’s Credit

Most of the supporting cast all look credible, barring the two police officers who are established early on as the bad cops. However, few of the performances stand out.