Team FC
A gripping action-drama series unfolds the life of a middle-class man balancing his role in a secret NIA cell, protecting the nation from terrorists while safeguarding his family from the repercussions of his intense, low-paying job.
Himmat Singh, leading a task force for RAW, connects terrorist attacks, suspecting a single mastermind. The series follows his global team's pursuit to apprehend the elusive figure orchestrating the attacks.
This action thriller film follows an exiled RAW agent, Pathaan, who teams up with an ISI agent to take down a former RAW agent planning to attack India with a deadly virus1.
"Lakshya" explores the transformation of Karan Shergill from an aimless Delhi boy to a dedicated soldier in the Indian Army, driven by a desire to make his girlfriend proud.
Chronicling the Indian military's surgical strike in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, "Uri" unfolds the 11 crucial events leading to the meticulously planned operation against suspected militants.
Following the redemption journey of Kabir Khan, an exiled hockey player turned coach, "Chak De! India" portrays his efforts to overcome religious prejudice and transform a diverse group of players into a championship-winning women's hockey team.
Delving into the extraordinary life of India's inaugural Field Marshal, Sam Manekshaw, "Sam Bahadur" depicts his four-decade military tenure and participation in five wars, showcasing an incredible journey.