7 Villains Without Superpowers

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Captain Amon Göth - Schindler's List (1993)

Ralph Fiennes starred as the chilling Commandant of the Płaszów labour camp in Steven Spielberg's biopic of industrialist Oskar Schindler, and played Göth with the sort of direct normalcy that made his crimes seem even more calculated than they likely were.

Harlen Maguire - Road to Perdition (2002)

In Sam Mendes' period crime drama, Jude Law stars as the largely ambivalent crime scene photographer who moonlights as an assassin for hire with a penchant for photographing his victims. His very professional approach to his work made Maguire quite creepy, and someone to beware of.

Le Chiffre - Casino Royale (2006)

Martin Campbell cast Mads Mikkelsen as the banker to the world's terrorists in the opening film of Daniel Craig's tenure as James Bond. Mikkelsen brought a depth to the part that not a lot of Bond villains can boast, and played him with a calculated cruelty.

Anton Chigurh - No Country for Old Men (2007)

Javier Bardem's haircut made Chigurh almost comical, until the director duo Joel and Ethan Coen actually depicted the character as he was, which made him likely one of the scariest screen villains ever, with long silences and sparse emotional reactions.

Joker - The Dark Knight (2008)

Battling the power of The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger crafted the Joker as a diabolical maniac whose only interest is unleashing chaos upon the world, with little, if any, vested interests, propelling Christopher Nolan's film to an unexpected height.

SS-Colonel Hans Landa - Inglourious Basterds (2009)

Christoph Waltz became the talk of town with his turn in Quentin Tarantino's sixth feature film, towering above the cast with his cheery, hospitable yet murderous Colonel Landa.

Victoria Vinciguerra - The Man from UNCLE (2015)

As a Nazi sympathiser with an interest in nuclear weapons in the Cold War, Victoria Vinciguerra was exactly the sort of villain that was needed in the Guy Ritchie film, and Elizabeth Debicki brought a glamorous, enigmatic quality to her that kept one guessing till the ball dropped.

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