Team FC
Farhan Akhtar plays a dejected introvert whose life transforms overnight with a phone call in this film, that has a shocking climax with an unexpected twist.
As per Tyler Durden's rule, we can't talk about F**** C***. But we can give you a hint - expect the unexpected with this psychological thriller by David Fincher. Okay that's it!
The first crowdfunded Kannada film by Pawan Kumar, it brought a revolution in Sandalwood with its indie filmmaking style, trippy visuals and a twisted storyline about dreams.
Directed by Shutter Island's Martin Scorsese, this masterpiece is a layered character study of the protagonist Travis Bickle, who undergoes a disturbing descent into darkness.
This underrated Anurag Kashyap film is a mind-bending metaphorical thriller that leaves your mind boggled with questions with its open-ended climax.
If you're a fan of psychological thrillers with slow burn storytelling and subtle artistry, then this Korean film exploring complex characters and power dynamics is worth checking out.
Christopher Nolan's Inception, starring Shutter Island's Leonardo DiCaprio, is one of those films that will take a second watch to fully understand, and with a story of shifting realities, it is worth watching every single time.
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