7 Longest Duration Malayalam Movies

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7. Kayamkulam Kochunni (2018) - 2 hr 31 mins

Kayamkulam Kochunni is a historical epic in Malayalam cinema, exploring the life of the legendary highwayman Kochunni, portrayed by Nivin Pauly, with an expansive runtime that allows for a detailed narrative.

6. Ennu Ninte Moideen (2015) - 2 hr 46 mins

Ennu Ninte Moideen is a romantic drama based on a true story, and its extended duration allows for the nuanced portrayal of the enduring love between Moideen and Kanchanamala, portrayed by Prithviraj Sukumaran and Parvathy.

5. Odiyan (2018) - 2 hr 47 mins

Odiyan is a fantasy thriller known for its visual spectacle and unique narrative, utilizing its extended duration to unravel the mystery of Manickan, played by Mohanlal, and his supernatural abilities.

4. Manichitrathazhu (1993) - 2 hr 49 mins

"Manichitrathazhu," directed by Fazil, is a Malayalam psychological horror film known for its intricate plot and compelling performances. With an engaging storyline and suspenseful sequences.

3. Lekhayude Maranam Oru Flashback (1983) - 2 hr 52 mins

K.G. George, intricately weaves a psychological drama around the mysterious death of a famed writer, employing a unique narrative structure to delve into complex human relationships.

2. Lucifer (2019) - 2 hr 54 mins

With Mohanlal in the lead, Lucifer stands out as a political thriller with a lengthy runtime, providing ample space for intricate plot developments and showcasing Mohanlal's compelling performance as the protagonist.

1. Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja (2009) - 3 hr 15 mins

Pazhassi Raja is a historical drama depicting the life of Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja, a notable freedom fighter, and the film's extensive runtime contributes to the thorough exploration of this significant chapter in history.

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