Team FC
This coming-of-age musical drama tells the story of Murad, an aspiring rapper from the slums of Mumbai. Alia Bhatt understood the project and played Safeena Firdausi, a medical student who supports Murad's dreams with a fierce and intense love for what she wants.
This war thriller is based on the real-life story of Sehmat Khan, an Indian spy who married into a Pakistani family before the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War. Bhatt plays Sehmat in a powerful and nuanced performance. It earned Bhatt a Filmfare Award for Best Actress.
It tells the story of Veera, a young woman who is kidnapped but she finds freedom in her kidnapping from the performative life she was living according to societal norms. Bhatt plays Veera in a complex and layered performance.
This crime drama film tackles the issue of drug abuse in the Indian state of Punjab. Bhatt plays a hockey player who gets caught in the crossfire of the drug trade. The film was critically acclaimed, but it faced controversy due to its subject matter.
Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, this biographical crime drama tells the story of Gangubai Kathiawadi, a young woman who becomes a powerful brothel owner in Mumbai. Bhatt plays Gangubai in a transformative performance.
This coming-of-age comedy-drama tells the story of Kaira, a young woman who is struggling to find her place in the world and she goes for therapy not because she's mad but because she's human. Bhatt plays Kaira in a relatable and endearing performance.
This black comedy thriller tells the story of Badru, a young woman who after the abuse goes off the roof takes revenge on her abusive husband with the help of her mother. Bhatt plays Badru in a powerful and nuanced performance.
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