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A gripping action thriller based on the 2011 film of the same name. It follows a young girl with extraordinary skills who must navigate a dangerous world while being pursued by a relentless intelligence operative.
A psychological thriller based on the podcast of the same name. The series follows a caseworker at a secret government facility (played by Julia Roberts) and a soldier trying to rejoin civilian life. It explores themes of memory, identity, and the consequences of war.
A mind-bending animated series that blends rotoscope animation with a compelling narrative about a woman who discovers she has the ability to manipulate time after a near-death experience.
Set in 1970s New York City, this series follows a diverse group of Nazi hunters who uncover a conspiracy to create a Fourth Reich in the United States. It combines historical drama with thrilling action.
A dark comedy-drama series that follows an intelligence officer tasked with preventing Iran from going nuclear. It combines espionage with a quirky sense of humour.
A sci-fi comedy-drama that explores the concept of digital afterlife, following a man who, after his untimely death, is uploaded into a virtual reality where he can interact with the living.
A suspenseful drama series that follows a group of teenage girls stranded on a deserted island, blending elements of survival with complex character dynamics.
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