Team FC
This Hindi thriller tells the story of Rohan and Supriya, both visually impaired, whose dream to live happily ever after goes awfully wrong when a local goon enters their life.
This Hindi drama revolves around introverted and awkward Dr. Freddy Ginwala who desperately searches for a soulmate. When he finally finds her, the relationship becomes as painful as a root canal.
This Hindi mystery film is about a small town that gets plunged into the nightmare of serial killings. Rookie cop Arjan embarks on a chase for the truth and unravels a gruesome conspiracy.
This Hindi action TV series on Disney+ Hotstar is about a relentless hero, Himmat Singh, and his team who are on a mission to end a nineteen-year long manhunt.
This Hindi thriller is about police officer Vikram who finally captures Vedha, a dreaded gangster. When Vedha engages Vikram in a mind game, it challenges his notion of good and evil.
This Tamil action film is about a covert investigation that changes its course when special officer Amar encounters an unrelenting Vikram and his pursuit to take down a notorious drug cartel.
This Hindi thriller TV series is about a hotel’s night manager who is the only weapon against a dangerous arms dealer. With innocent lives at stake, Shaan is out to destroy Shelly’s demonic world.
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