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Directed by James Mangold and starring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale, the film follows a Civil War veteran (Bale) who accepts the job of hunting down a notorious outlaw (Crowe).
Andrew Dominik's mood-piece of a Western relief heavily on Roger Deakins' cinematography, but also delved deeply into the history of the USA to bring a sense of frontier life to the screen.
Javier Bardem, playing Anton Chigurh, made cruel (and that haircut) look cool, exuding a sense of terror throughout this Neo-Western by Joel and Ethan Coen.
The Coens helmed this more classical Western just three years after No Country for Old Men (2007), and cast the likes of Josh Brolin, Matt Damon, their old comrade-in-arms Jeff Bridges, and Hailee Steinfeld to pull off the bounty adventure.
Having altered the course of World War II, Quentin Tarantino set his sights on the emancipation of slaves, bringing it about through the character of Django (Jamie Foxx) who prefers to let his pistol rather than a politician's ballot do the talking.
In David Mackenzie's film, two brothers go on the run from the law after holding up a local bank and robbing it blind in a bid to save themselves from poverty.
Set nearly a century after the preferred time period of most American Westerns, Abhishek Chaubey's film examined the dacoit era of the 1970s, mixing in themes like caste, feminism, and guilt.