Team FC
"777 Charlie" is a heartwarming tale of a dog's journey that has won audiences over with its emotional depth and storytelling.
"KGF Chapter 1" is a blockbuster action-thriller that has garnered international acclaim for its gripping storyline and impressive visuals.
"Mungaru Male" is a romantic drama that became a massive hit for its soulful music, beautiful cinematography, and captivating performances.
"Kantara" is a thought-provoking film that explores complex human relationships and has received critical acclaim for its storytelling and performances.
"America! America!!" is a touching drama that tells the story of an Indian family's struggles and triumphs in America, resonating with audiences for its universal themes.
"Zero Made In India" is a unique and entertaining film that blends comedy and drama, offering a fresh perspective on the concept of zero and its significance.
"Raaga" is a touching love story that has won audiences over with its heartfelt narrative, strong performances, and soulful music.
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