Team FC
Directed by Madhu C. Narayanan, this Malayalam drama follows the dysfunctional lives of four brothers in a picturesque village in Kerala, exploring themes of family, masculinity, and redemption.
Directed by Jeo Baby, this Malayalam drama offers a searing critique of patriarchy and gender roles within Indian households, focusing on the experiences of a newly married woman in a traditional family.
Directed by Lijo Jose Pellissery, this Malayalam action-thriller follows the chaos unleashed in a remote village when a buffalo escapes on the eve of a traditional ritual, delving into primal human instincts and societal tensions.
Directed by Sachy, this Malayalam drama revolves around the escalating feud between a police officer and a retired havildar, exploring themes of power, ego, and masculinity.
Directed by Dileesh Pothan, this Malayalam crime drama is loosely based on William Shakespeare's "Macbeth", following the downward spiral of a young man who is manipulated into committing murder by his ambitious family.
Directed by Adoor Gopalakrishnan, this Malayalam drama explores the complex power dynamics between a ruthless landlord and his loyal servant, delving into themes of oppression, exploitation, and resistance.
Directed by Zakariya Mohammed, this Malayalam sports drama follows the heartwarming bond that forms between a football manager and a Nigerian player recruited to play for a small-town team in Kerala.
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