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This is a romance drama film written and directed by Karan Johar as his debut. The story revolves around two college best friends, Anjali and Rahul whose friendship turns into love over a decade of both of them being separated and yet, connected to each other.
This iconic family drama film is written and directed by Karan Johar. The film tells the story of a multimillionaire family from Delhi who go through a heartbreaking split when the elder son marries a girl that the father doesn’t approve of. Years later, the younger son successfully reunites the family with unconditional love.
This is a marriage drama by Karan Johar about the lives of two couples, who are going through a tough period in life. The four individual’s lives intertwine into fate’s way of helping them find themselves and grow as people.
This is a drama film by Karan Johar, set in America during the 9/11 attacks. The film follows the journey of an autistic man with a heart of gold, Rizwan Khan. He sets out on a journey across the United States to meet the President, after his family faces a tragic loss due to Islamophobic aggression.
This is an anthology film consisting of four short films, about the people and city of Bombay. One of the four stories, titled Ajeeb Dastaan Hai Yeh is directed by Karan Johar. It tells the story of Dev, a closeted gay man and how his identity and conflicts have impacted him.
This is a romance musical by Karan Johar, about a relationship that is more than any label it could carry. This follows the story of Ayaan, a musician who finds his passion and calling through the heartbreak of loving and losing his best friend, Alizeh.
This is a romantic comedy, family drama film by Karan Johar. It is the story of the charming and flamboyant Rocky and the passionate and intellectual Rani who fall in love despite their differences. The two fight family feuds, societal norms and meet each other midway for the sake of their love.
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