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This is a science fiction franchise created by Michael Crichton. The plot is centered around a disastrous attempt to create a theme park of cloned dinosaurs. The consequences of this mishap lead to the adventurous stories. Since the initial release in 1993, this series has released 6 films.
This is a 7 part film series based on the novels by J. K. Rowling. The plot follows young wizards, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, who fight against evil as students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
This is a film franchise created by Rohit Shetty, consisting of a mix of reprised and original stories with crossover plot elements and cop characters. Since the initial release in 2011, there have been 5 films in this franchise.
This is a film franchise by The Walt Disney Company. The story centers on a group of toys that are secretly alive, featuring a classic cowboy doll, a modern spaceman action figure and many more.There have been 4 films and 2 spin off films since the release in 1995.
Created by George Lucas, the plot of Star Wars revolves around two forces that are fighting each other. Since the initial release in 1977, this film franchise has had a long list of live action films, animated films and spin offs.
This is a film franchise based on a detective character created by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, Byomkesh Bakshi who is known for his proficiency with observation, logical reasoning, and forensic science. Since the initial release in 1987, there have been multiple cinematic reprises of the story.
This is a crime thriller film series, written and directed by Jeethu Joseph. The plot of the series follows the struggle of Georgekutty and his family who come under suspicion when the son of the inspector-general of police goes missing. Since its initial release in 2013, there has been a sequel and multiple remakes of the series.
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