Team FC
This gripping thriller, centered around a family's desperate attempts to cover up a crime, captivated audiences with its suspenseful plot and stellar performances, making it a standout in Malayalam cinema.
This poignant drama explores complex familial relationships against the backdrop of a picturesque coastal village, earning critical acclaim for its nuanced portrayal of human emotions and societal norms.
Directed by Jeo Baby, this Malayalam drama offers a searing critique of patriarchy and gender roles within Indian households, focusing on the experiences of a newly married woman in a traditional family.
Directed by Lijo Jose Pellissery, this Malayalam action-thriller follows the chaos unleashed in a remote village when a buffalo escapes on the eve of a traditional ritual, delving into primal human instincts and societal tensions.
Directed by Sachy, this Malayalam drama revolves around the escalating feud between a police officer and a retired havildar, exploring themes of power, ego, and masculinity.
This slice-of-life comedy-drama charms viewers with its endearing protagonist and authentic portrayal of life in a small Kerala town, earning praise for its humor and emotional depth.
The film has spawned Remakes after Remakes but it remains the best version of the story. The film is known for its stellar performances by the main and supporting cast.
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