Team FC
This gripping thriller, centered around a family's desperate attempts to cover up a crime, captivated audiences with its suspenseful plot and stellar performances, making it a standout in Malayalam cinema.
With its refreshing take on love and relationships, Premam became a sensation, charming audiences with its relatable characters and poignant storytelling, solidifying its status as a modern classic.
This poignant drama explores complex familial relationships against the backdrop of a picturesque coastal village, earning critical acclaim for its nuanced portrayal of human emotions and societal norms.
A heartwarming tale of friendship and self-discovery, Bangalore Days follows the journey of three cousins as they navigate life and love in the bustling city, resonating with audiences for its relatable characters and engaging narrative.
This slice-of-life comedy-drama charms viewers with its endearing protagonist and authentic portrayal of life in a small Kerala town, earning praise for its humor and emotional depth.
With its blend of satire and introspection, this comedy-drama follows the journey of a wealthy businessman's quest for social acceptance, offering witty commentary on ambition and identity.
Ustad Hotel serves up a delectable blend of family drama and culinary delights, weaving a heartwarming tale of love, tradition, and the pursuit of dreams, leaving a lasting impact on audiences with its touching story and memorable characters.