6 Reasons to Watch One Day on Netflix

Team FC

The Heartening Coming-of-age Story 

The series follows the story of Dexter Mayhew and Emma Morley across many years of their life, starting on the night of their graduation. We get to see the two changing and evolving in their own lives while holding onto the special bond that they share. They take very different paths in life but always end up meeting midway for one another. 

The Soundtrack 

The 14 episodes have some really good music interwoven with the story and changing years of their life. Starting the story in 1988 and ending it in the 2000s, the soundtrack evolves with the changing times and also feeds into the setting of the characters.  

The Exciting Friends-to-lovers Arc 

Out of all the romantic story arcs, the friends-to-lovers happens to be one the most comforting kind because it allows for us to see the characters coming together in attachment and affection, which is always a gradual and gratifying build up to the romance angle.

The Characters 

In the series, Ambika Mod plays the role of Emma Morley and Leo Woodall plays the role of Dexter Mayhew. The two settle into their characters with so much ease and charm that the characters become more real and likable with each episode.

Modern Rendition of an Old Story 

This series is based on a novel with the same title, written by David Nicholls in 2009. In 2011 there was a film adaptation of it starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. In all three renditions of the story, it is interesting to note the changes and tweaks made to fit into the time and format of release. 

Ideal watch for Valentine’s week

The days around any celebration always carries the mood and context to it. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, this is the perfect comforting watch about friendship and love.