Team FC
This film is a crime drama that revolves around the tumultuous love triangle between a bar singer, a gangster, and a young woman who gets caught in their world. It explores themes of love, betrayal, and redemption.
This is a romantic drama that weaves together the lives of various people living in Mumbai, exploring their relationships, aspirations, and the challenges of urban life.
It is a heartwarming romantic comedy-drama that tells the story of a deaf and mute young man named Barfi, his love interests, and his adventures. The film celebrates the joy of life and the power of love, friendship, and empathy.
It is a musical adventure film that follows the journey of a young detective, Jagga, as he embarks on a quest to find his missing father. The film combines elements of mystery, comedy, and musical storytelling.
This is a dark comedy that weaves multiple storylines, exploring the interconnected lives of four individuals who find themselves in unusual and often comical situations. The film is a blend of humor and drama.
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